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The Life of a GRC Consultant


My career in Information Security Consulting began because of 3 reasons. The first, working with different businesses; learning and understanding how businesses in all sorts of industries operate is fascinating. What does the business specialise in, and what are their most critical assets? Secondly, being able to use the knowledge and skills I have acquired over the years to assist companies with their IT security posture. Thirdly, I really love the travel – a welcome bonus of the job!


Since becoming a consultant I’ve enjoyed other benefits too, such as client satisfaction; receiving positive feedback from clients, particularly from highly qualified and respected individuals, based on the work I undertook is very rewarding.

It’s satisfying recognising the difference I’ve made to an organisation’s information security posture, so observing cultural change through information security awareness and training is another benefit of my role. As time goes on without governance and risk management, organisations generally implement projects and conduct business as usual (BAU) activities through bad habits (even though they have the best of intentions) such as not conducting due diligence on a third party, prior to using their systems or sharing data. Observing the smallest of changes such as employees locking their screens when they leave their desks or wearing ID passes within company premises, to asking for assistance due to a supplier onboarding, is encouraging to see.

The challenges I’ve observed

Working for various clients has enabled me to take note of challenges most organisations face; regardless of the industry, I have noticed these common themes:

Challenge one: managing the information security risk due to increased connectivity, use of new systems/applications, and operational changes. A slow adoption of information security and fast development/business growth in a short timeframe.

Challenge two: an increase of risk due to the vast amount of neglected legacy systems and applications which are now embedded in an organisation as critical assets without appropriate operation procedures or plans to migrate to a new version.

Challenge three: profit outweighing security controls. The point of a security control is to protect an asset. However, it is not unusual for some departments to experience the thought process that implementing a security control will result in a longer timeframe to reach the end goal, thus losing out on potential business or profits, leading to the idea: not implementing a control is actually better for the business. This ideology is rather dangerous as, without the correct level of security control protecting an organisation’s most valuable assets, this can result in the demise of the organisation.

Challenge four: lack of knowledge around the architecture of an organisation’s network. Most organisations do not have an up-to-date network diagram or a diagram highlighting the security architecture of the estate. Without having current knowledge on the interconnectivity between network, systems, and applications, the chances of being able to identify potential vulnerabilities or understand project scope is greatly reduced.

Challenge five: lack of management around information security in third party suppliers; third party suppliers’ integration and business relationships can be complex, interdependent, sometimes international and evolving. This, with the lack of due diligence around how assets are protected and what assets are provided to a supplier, combined with total reliance on third-party suppliers, has led to more information exchange and consequently an increase in information security risk.

Challenge six: information security culture; changing the culture within fast paced organisations is an ongoing challenge. Most organisations want quick business changes and quick access to systems, applications, and other forms of information assets. Adopting a new culture which may impact and disrupt the current BAU processes may be considered as a hinderance resulting in rejection.

Overcoming the challenges

When clients ask me to advise on the above challenges, I recommend the following:

  1. Develop an information security culture, providing knowledge and awareness to help people understand issues and allow them to take ownership of information security, by:

    • Encouraging employees to be security conscious at home and work
    • Improving employee engagement to manage risk through understanding the potential impact of security incidents or attacks
    • Encouraging the reporting of suspicious activities, reducing misuse of business information or systems, and improving incident response timed
  2. Develop appropriate information security training and awareness. Ongoing training and relevant information security awareness will provide employees with the knowledge needed to:

    • Reduce risk of security breaches or incidents as employees think and act in a more security conscious way
    • Increase organisational effectiveness through adherence to policy
    • Improve internal communications on information security
  3. Understand the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your information assets. Knowing the CIA of your assets allows you to assess where vulnerabilities are and how best to minimise the extent of their exposure, by:

    • Identifying key assets that need protecting to minimise your potential attack vectors
    • Identifying how information is accessed, processed, stored and transferred
  4. Take a risk-based approach to understand and manage the risk exposure of your information assets. Taking a risk-based approach will allow you to:

    • Manage your information security exposure through informed risk-based decision making across your systems, organisation and assets
    • Using risk prioritisation, allocate resources efficiently and effectively across your organisation
  5. Have governance for information security within your organisation. Effective governance enables organisations to demonstrate commitment to information security, by:

    • Delivering strategic direction though policy, procedures and guidelines to manage information security consistently across the organisation
    • Allocating resources and funds to maximise and mitigate information security risk appropriately
    • Influencing information security culture through awareness and positivity
  6. Work with third-party suppliers to reduce risk

    Conduct relevant due diligence on third party suppliers and identify the purpose of each asset and how it shall be managed once in the hands of a supplier Understand the information security risks that a third party supplier introduce from procurement through to BAU and how to appropriately manage them

  7. Ensure information security measures are applied through the life of your assets and organisational changes by:

    • Ensuring all assets are owned, monitored and identified
    • Identifying poorly managed assets that may impact the organisation’s BAU operations
  8. Prepare for and manage information security incidents. Having an information security incident response capability will allow you to minimise the effects of incidents.

    • Have adequate threat intelligence to respond appropriately to information security incidents
    • Include learning from events or incidents for improvement of plans
    • Conduct incident tests to identify areas for improvement and capitalise on them


Being an Information Security Consultant is a challenging but engaging role. This article summarises why it’s thoroughly enjoyable, some of the common challenges I’ve seen and how to start addressing them. I have been able to do what I enjoy on a day to day basis, working and meeting some amazing businesses and clients.

Who knows, I may have the opportunity to work with you one day.